Sprinkler Repair Specialists
Superior Sprinkler Services

Dallas Sprinkler Repair Specialists






Our services including sprinkler repairs, system tune-ups and maintenance, installations, system re-routes, rain/freeze sensor additions, and much more!

In addition to our unsurpassed standard of customer service excellence, at Superior Sprinkler Services we are also committed to utilizing only the finest sprinkler products. Including Rain Bird, Toro, Weathermatic, Hunter, and Irritrol, we are also happy to service all makes of sprinkler equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you have a sprinkler system repair or you are shopping for a new sprinkler system, at Superior Sprinkler Services we realize that you probably have many questions. In doing so, we have implemented this frequently asked questions page to our website to offer some assistance. If you have any questions or we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact our office at 972-898-4073. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.

In The Spring...

Can I just turn my system on myself?

Absolutely! However, you should keep in mind that is a good idea to run it through its paces and look for leaks and any winter damage. We know what to look for and where, and our technicians are experts at setting controllers, which can often be confusing. We are here to save you time and provide our expertise!

When should I turn my system on?

We recommend that you wait until after the danger of a hard freeze is passed. Typically, you can have confidence that you are safe from freezing after the first of May.

General Sprinkler & Irrigation Questions:

Do I need to be home?

Generally, yes. We need to get in to turn the water on. We also need access to your controller. The same applies for winterizations.
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What is a rain sensor? Do I need one?

Rain sensors help to save water by interrupting the automatic watering cycle after enough accumulation of rain has occurred. This not only saves money, but can help to make sure that plants are not over watered and can keep you from the embarrassment of watering while it is raining.

Why is it important to winterize my sprinkler system?

In able to minimize the risk of freeze damage to your irrigation system, it is important to have your irrigation system "winterized."

What are the benefits of an automatic sprinkler system?

Watering your lawn properly is one of the most demanding chores a homeowner has. During the warmer dryer months of a Dallas, Fort Worth summer your lawn can burn up in a couple of days without the proper irrigation. While an automatic sprinkler system may seem costly at first, the benefits of never needing to drag out the hose and keep up with the water demands of your lawn far outweigh the expense. If you don't have an automatic sprinkler system installed, be prepared to do just that.
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How much water does my lawn require?

Creating a beautiful lawn that has green lush grass, is a matter of one important factor - a regularly scheduled watering! Most residential grasses require between 1 1/2 and 2 inches of water per week.

What time of day should I water my lawn?

Watering your grass in the early evening or early morning hours, with a deep soaking will make the roots anchor themselves deep in the soil, providing a strong rooted lawn. Too frequent watering during the day at shorter intervals will encourage shallow root growth, making a weak lawn that is easily vulnerable to damage.

With an automatic irrigation system installed properly by Superior Sprinkler Services, you can turn your grass greener than ever, maintaining the lush green color for a complete season with little effort on your part.

What is Drip Irrigation?

Drip irrigation is becoming extremely popular. This allows you to water shrubs and flowers more efficiently. Drip emitters put water at the base of the plant to soak into the root base where it is needed, rather than on top of it. Emitters put out a regulated drip that can be changed to meet the needs of various plants. A 2' shrub needs less water that a 20' tree.
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What is a Rain Sensor?

Rain sensors turn the system off if it is raining or has been for quite some time. This saves on your water bill and saves the turf from "drowning". Too much water is just as bad as not enough.

Will an automatic sprinkler system use more water than I am currently using?

No. In fact, your automatic sprinkler system will conserve water. The system's controller and rain sensor will be set so you receive only the amount of water you need. You will not over-water or under-water your lawn with an automatic sprinkler system.

What should I do when I have a water leak in my irrigation system?

If the leak is constant (leaking when the system is not in actual operation) the system should be shut off at the point of connection. If the leak is not constant (only leaking when the system is in operation) turn the time off on the particular zone. If any type of leak is found, call Superior Sprinkler Services and we will respond within 24 hours and schedule your repair at your convenience.
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We hope that this page has answered many of your sprinkler repair or irrigation questions. If you have any questions or we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact our office at 972-898-4073. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.

Thank you for your interest in Superior Sprinkler Services, we look forward to serving you in the near future!

License #13330

At Superior Sprinkler Services, your unconditional satisfaction is our foremost priority as we firmly believe you are not "just another customer" but quite the contrary, part of the Superior Sprinkler Services "Family!"

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