Sprinkler Repair Specialists
Superior Sprinkler Services

Dallas Sprinkler Repair Specialists






Our services including sprinkler repairs, system tune-ups and maintenance, installations, system re-routes, rain/freeze sensor additions, and much more!

In addition to our unsurpassed standard of customer service excellence, at Superior Sprinkler Services we are also committed to utilizing only the finest sprinkler products. Including Rain Bird, Toro, Weathermatic, Hunter, and Irritrol, we are also happy to service all makes of sprinkler equipment.


At Superior Sprinkler Services, it is our promise to remain competitive, yet affordably priced. We firmly believe that beautiful healthy lawns should not cost you a fortune. In doing so, we are providing you with a variety of money-saving coupons so that can enjoy your lawn and landscaping without costing you an arm and a leg. Please be aware that though we encourage you to take advantage of our coupons, we also ask that no two offers be combined and that these promotions cannot be combined with any other offer.

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If you have any questions or we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at 972-898-4073. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.

Thank you for your interest in Superior Sprinkler Services, we look forward to serving you in the near future!

License #13330

At Superior Sprinkler Services, your unconditional satisfaction is our foremost priority as we firmly believe you are not "just another customer" but quite the contrary, part of the Superior Sprinkler Services "Family!"

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